Tennessee Serial Killer 1902 Penny
Jeremiah Lexer, one of Tennessee's earliest serial killers. On November 2, 1902 Jeremiah Lexer took his own life after a brutal killing-spree that left his entire family slain and nothing but bloody carnage left for people to discover the following day. After his plantation was searched, the gruesome discoveries of over 30 bodies was a. MA PERKINS (1. An isolated episode of the long- running daytime serial. Virginia Payne stars as “America’s Mother of the Air.” PEPSODENT SHOW (1. While Bob Hope is on his way to England to attend the wedding of Princess Elizabeth, NBC presents an all- star comedy program featuring radio’s biggest names: Eddie Cantor, Red Skelton, Fibber Mc.
Undertale: Don't Forget is an upcoming Undertale fan-game revolving around a new human child named Harlow, who lives on the surface with their adoptive family: the Dreemurrs. In this timeline, the war between Humans and Monsters was resolved peacefully, and the two races co-exist. Don t forget undertale. Don't Forget is an Undertale fan-game that RickyG has been working on since 2016. The story revolves around the infamous Doctor W.D. Gaster and a human child named Harlow. In the game, you'll be able to uncover their long-forgotten past while restoring the pieces of Gaster's SOUL and encountering some familiar faces along the way. Since the game has been in development for so long, its focus. Undertale: Don't Forget (+ Online) by RickyG @RickyG. 15,897 Follow. Overview; Comments; Followers 15,897. UNDERTALE: A New Hope Free. PurpleTraveller Team UNDERSTORY Free. Red X Undertale 3D - DEMO Free. Flamesatgames Undertale: Disbelief Free. VLG Games Underfell Get It Now.
i I ) : Ca 1 4d Jim Dumps for months had not been strong And that was why he trudged along As dumpish as a rainy day 47 Nor had he one kind word to sayi Till one bright day—what Joy for him I 'Force' changed him to 'Sunny Jim - - 'p 111111 ONE Ohl'S NEWS FRO VI IKENTEIKI LOIIISVILTY GOING MER TItE X P ZNCAMPMENT Big Delegation Leaves for San Fran cisco to 'Pull' for it—Warren County Postmaster Arrested for Alleged Wrongdoing—Brevities LOUISVILLE Ky Aug 5--Armed with invitations from Gov Beckham Ilayor Grainger and the commercial organizations of Louisville a delegation of neventy-flve Knights of Pythias left at 820 to-night over the Monon for San Francisco to make an etTort to secure the next biennial convention of the order for Louivi Ile Every inducement has been offered to the Grand Lodge and the delegation ha ti a written pledge der for Louisville Every inducement has that an entertainment fund of $50000 will be raised Alleged Wrongdoing BOWLING GREEN Ky Aug 5— (Sperial)—1 A Poteet is in jail here on a charge preferred by the postal authorities Be comforts a country store at Poteet this county and Is the postmaster and Is accused of selling stamps and postal cards and appropriating the money to his own use An Inspector' came here and worked up the case against Poteet and seoured his arrest His examining trial IS it for Friday Poteet is WP11 known in his vicinity and his arrest has caused a ensa tion Judge Lette's Appointments BOWLING Gil EEN0Ky Aug 5— (Special)—Since Judge Gary the Republican candidate for Court of Appeals Judge in this district has refused a joint discussion with Judge W E Settle the Democratic candidate the latter Will speak alone and has already made the following appointments the speaking each day to begin at 130 p m: In Cumberland County at Marrowbone on Saturday Aug 9 at Burksville on Monday Aug 11 at Cumberland City on Tuesday Aug 12 and in Monroe County at Center Point on Wednesday Aug 13: Flippin on Thursday Aug 14 at Jimtown on Friday Aug 15 and at Tompkinsville on tiaturday Aug 16 Burglary at Woodburn nowusu tHIMEN Ky Aug 5— (Special)—Itursda r broke Ititi tho store of E P DOWPII it WOOMIIT this county this morning about 2 oclock And after blowing open the 11 to incured 112u0 In money Sttoa In notes end about a dozen rings from a Jewell y case There Is no duo Young Lady's Sudden Death Bowl' No CIREEN Ky Aug 5-- (Sperial)—Miss Katie Vision daughter of F L Kister Sr (Hod here this morning aged 13 years She W3S lit r usual good health up to Satordly Iiight Ivlen he vIts taken SliddPnly In The physicians say her death Wil3 usPri by pernicious malaria Killed for Stealing Apples Xy Aug 5- -Ed Rudy colerel wri LtIll iiV farrwir Ylid found him stealing ipplea As 140fin lY4 ho 1A'aS !I 'tI(11 attacked with a ('lilt) fired lug the neer') liuantly has hot bren arresti) John Rhea's 1A7a1koven nowLINf y Aug s (s Tho rict Demo-(tot Congt con ntion 111 I it tot n :rrr A- of tornoon piii John cz General Debility Day in 4111 out there Is that feeling of Isea !loess that wakes a burden of itself ' 14 sot doe6 not strengiheu ' Sleep refitc-14 It is hard to tio hard to bear whet EtAould sy —vitality 13 on the ebb and the whole -7 stem For this etnditiuu talut Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalites the Mood gives vigor and tone( ' to ail tile organs IMO functions and IS positivelt um-ignited tor alliyati-ctowu or debilitattsi conditions cat coIstipstaku it6 watts nit Ready-to-Serve Cereal 100 1':17 9 9) wise nature's receipt for vigorous bodies and active brains In Int cerrton 11! the 'mantics to the tihrict exeept Killed a Rattlesnake SCOTTSVILLE Ky Aug 5--(SPectal)—Robert Burton killed on hie farm four miles west of Scottsvilb today a large rattlesnake measuring 8 feet in length and having 24 rattles and one button The reptile was corad under some brush in his woods lot anri when killed and cut open contained two half-grown pigs and two rabbits -- Boering an Easy Winner MIDDLEN130110 Ky Aug 5—The latest returns from the Republican rel mary in the Eleventh Congressionul District of Kentucky show that Vincent Boreing has been re-nominated by a safe msjority over Col David G Goison and Capt Edward Parker Tandy—Vaughn Nuptials TIOPKINSVILLE Ky Aug 5— (Special)—Cus Tandy recently eleete4 City Tax Collector are' MI Jessie L Vaughn ufre marriet at th home of the bride's father J it Vaughn on Brown otreet List evening Elder D Smith OffiViat Ing The marriage was a surprise to the friends of the couple - Baker's Hand Mashed ITOPKINSVILLE Ky Aug 5-- tSpeclal)--conrai w 11 has charge of Skarry's bakeiy got his hand caught In the machinery last evening when the lngers wer ! badly mashed and a long gash W33 cut In his arm Waverly Notes WAVERLY Tenn Aug 5---(Rpe ciaL)—While chasing a cow NIrs S C (wen s tripped Over a loose wire and tell breaking her left arm above 111P elbow and breaking her nose Rettig an old lady the mishap will go bard-with her Alonzo Camp No 1349 Confederate Vcterans has decided to have their grand reunion picnic Sept 6 at Chamber's Grove three miles 'art of this place and have inVit1 Guns Gordon Iate and Kelly to delller speeches Free Reclining Chair Cars to St Louis Mo The Illino la Central Railroad In con- nection with N C & St L are how (-Terming free reelining chair cars on their famous Dixie Flyer to St Louis This handsome train leaves Union Station every evening 7:25 p rn If you want the best ask for ti-kets via Martin Mine Workers' Convention KNOXVILLE Tcrin Aug 5—The first (lays session of the annual convention of District No 11 Enited Ntine NVot kers erubreing mines in East Tennessee and Kentucky was devoted solely to routine business President J W Howe 171f110 hk nnntki report suggPsiingt sPvPloril clinntp's in the bylaws A committee on setile of waFtes will be appointed to-morrow About seventy delegates are in altenlanre $5173 Round Trip—Nashville to San Francisco For the Thennial Conven11on Kn Wits of Pythias August 121h the Nashvillo Chattanooga and St Louis ItAllway will sell round trip tlehots from Nnsil vino to San Franeli co for Through sleepers from Niirhville 'Call on or address W M Hunt C P aril T A Maxwell House Church street - Candidates Withdraw LEwfsitt-Lil Tenn Aug 5—iSpecial)---Junies W Niels:night one of the $ix eandidates for Trustee has withdravin from the race Two of the can-di( ates had previously Withdrann I) Palmer and J B Edwards and Knight's withdrawal leaVea three candidates In the field J G Stinson W A London and J M MUrrey Distressing Accident EriltT VALLEY Ga Aug 6--fob- ert Flournoy a boy of 10 years 'while 1111111a a gun preparatmy to a FtwntIng expedition shot and killed 1113 HIstfl M3rgUerne flgol 5 The little girl's hefoi ‘Nas almost uniirely blown off and the boy is said to be completely crazed lib grief Kruger Has Visitors THE i A Aug 5—Fortner prem Kruyo of tho Transvaal 11opuhlie Yam visitod to-do y by Gt n 110Am Neyer Mr Krugor will make a call on 'comer President Steyn of the Orange reo Stacie His Home Dynamited St NTON Pa Aug 5--J a rues Plias of Vutilandwg returned to work last vteek et the litehtriondule htarly to-day dynandte was 4N7( pi oft et! nrificr the front of his hnuse The lower part of the building was hady wreeked hut the occupants who were on the upper floor escaped witia a Lew bruise& ' I - t111 Swet crisp fakes of wheat awl caalt—atou cold Trathtng to Thrash the JertitOr 14 I am about due to thrash the janitor where I live VI wife is giving me a diet of 'Force' and thinks she will have me In shape soon We keep t package of every cereal in the markot and have a different one every morning but I must say 'Force' carriers off the blue ribbon tName furnished on application) HUNTINGDON Case of Smallpox—Candidate for Sergeant at Arms—Society HUNTINGDON Tenn Aug 5—(Special)—A Stnt11 son of Hobert Woods colored was carried to the pest house yssterday with a genuine case of Pmall pox This is the only case in the county Allen S EnflOn of this place is a candidate for t4ergeant-at-Arms of the next State Senate Two years ago he came within ono vote of being elected to this place Ileis a son of Capt W Eason The Twentieth Century Book Club was entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs W N Enoch A speetal feature of the afternoon 'vas a contest 'Sam Jones' Sermon' The prizes were won by Mrs Jo AleCracken J M NVatson and Mrs It A Greene Music was furnished by Misses Lino le Parker and NeHe Jones Those present were Mesdames U W Dodson Sam 1101401Y J M Watson It A Greene A M IAP W L Noel Jo McCracken Ernest Hawkins J B Gilbert L E Ilmvnrd (leo T Me Call W E Townes C A Holladay G B 'Dalton Filen Aga Misses Florence Carter Linnle Parker Love 1-11Wk1nFO and Netito Jones Misses Kathleen and Lortne Oglesby assisted the hostess in receiving and serving refreshments Souvenir score cards were presented to each guest MT PLEASANT Peculiar Disease Killing Stock— Water Supply to Be Increased MT PLEASANT Tenn Aug peculiar dieertee affecting horses Htid mnles in this community is prevallhig to 1 considerable extent Alexander Sr Nichols who are culth'ating the farm of the National Acid Company have lost eight mules and one horse in the last week They are at a loss to account for the peculiar elektieSS although (me theory Is that it Is due to 'potato poisoning' A portion of the barn w hich the stook was kept is used to t'r Se01 potatoes large quantities of which have rotted not the steneh therefrom is quite on' ons!vP As no other stock on the 1-irm except those in this barn were affected it is thought by sOMe that this might have produced the trouble The recent fire having Pi) nearly taxed tia- city reservoir to its capacity the authorities have decided to increase the water supply by boring a 1ell alongside of the reservoir to which the waterworks pump twill be attached The city water-worlis system is being enlarged by extending the water pipes along !Inv hong tiVe and Pleasant street about Isoo f et Thin will carry fire 'protection to the best part of the residence portion of the town Columbip's New Depot COLUMBIA Tenn Aug3---(Special) A large crew of workmen under charge of lion Coulson of the L & N Railroad Co is at work to-day moving the tracks of the N & C Railroad Co and laying a new track for the material for the new depot The contractors are exrakcted to begin work this week Your correspondent was shown the plans for the depot which call for a larger and finer building than the original plans which were submitted to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen The depot will be of stone and the interior furnishing as shown by the plans will he very handsome 'When completed It is claimed that Columbia Ail have the finest depot of tiny city of its size In the country Vlieat Deals in Giles LYNNviiiyi Tenn Aug 5—MeCord & ro of the Lyrnville FlonrinirC Mill yesterday bought of Wil liamsen & Comormy dealers 7n4ia bushels of m hen t mniting 22nott bushels they have handled this season 'The Evans-Kerr ! tilling Company have bought aim m t 4600 humhels Dealers n r oflerinq fttril so to sa rents H bushel for new heat The shortness of this yearH etop Is being felt to tills country tt conservatIve t btimate being that the supply Ps shout one-half equal to the di wand Memphis Belt Roads mEMPIIW Tenn Aug 5--iSttecia1) Tho Union licit Railway recently passing to (tttrto Gouid 1 o hove cninne whin Tha Louisville Noshvilie and itiak Island hAvo a potition beton- the City Council for a franchise and Nvl h favorable action probable Killed By Lightning txxINiiToN 5---Lightfling struck tree nt Kingsiont tot to-(lay and killed four vahnihio suckling fillies which Patter (font ry yoiter driyi boutzht of ittrs r Ferguwin They wersi by St George an Knight of pifrptirfsmt:17e f Art:A) - CIA1 Citial Is 'tak(ri for the cure of kidney pt onvich II vftr aiiI follo rheutuo t 19111 malaria llot! Ion of the boort headache totitt in the st14 sour sick or Hoot ed 1 ortutCh night PIVe!I PIPplossnosi (117AhltP eto 30 days' treatment 5 cents AU druggists at LERICAN WEDNESDAY AUG-UST Co PITHilf THE NEVIS FROM ALA131011 - SFELLBMTDEBS SHELLING THE WOODS FOR GUBERNATORIAL IDOLS Knox Making a Stirring Canvass for Tells in the North End of the State But Johnston Men Are Active—Enlargement of the De catur Shops FALKVILLE AIL Aug 5—(Specia1)—While the political campaign opened in this county laet Saturda when the county candidates pr'esented their claims to the peopk not until last night was the State campaign formally opened when Col M IC Clements and Hon Erie Peters both of Limestone County spoke in the interest of the re-election of Gov W D Jelks Daniel Coleman of Madison County and F A Bostick of Jackson County are billed to epetik here tomorrow in the interest of Ex-Gov Jo-BMA F Johnston Both Col Clements and Mr Peters stated that the only issue in the campaign wee the recently adopted constitution and the main difference between the two sides was that the Jelks ps?opietrecognized it as the fundamental law of the State and proposed to give It a fair trial and then if necessary patch up the weak places if any appeared while' the Johnaton people wanted to commence a 'war upon it without giving it a trial and mend it a little here and a little there until it would become unrecognizable Under the new constitution this place Is the second largest voting precinct In the county from the fact that the second largest number of poll taxes were paid in it hence the anxiety of both parties to carry this precinct Morgan County being considered -one of the battle grounde of the campaign The local campaign is almost overshadowed by the State issue IN COLBERT COUNTY TUSCUMBIA Ala Aug 5---(Special)-1-lon John B Knox President of the State Constitutional Convention and a prominent Democrat of Alabama addressed a fairly good crowd of votterm in this city this morning In the Interest of the candidacy of Gov Wm Jelks He made a strong appeal for the Governor Jesse Stallings ex-Congrese man from this State had an appointment at the same hour at Leighton in the interest of ex-Gov Johneton The light between the two—Jelks and Johnston—may be said to he exceedingly warm In thin (Colbert) County and the result will not be known until the bat-lots are counted KNOX AT HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug 5—(Special)—lion John B Knox of the late Constitutional Convention and one of the ablest speakers in the State addressed a large audience here last night In the interest of Gov Wm D Je Ike FIRST 017N AT NEW DECATUR NEW DECATUR Ala Aug 5— (Special)—The first gun In the Gubernatorial campaign in Morgan County was fired here last night by ex-Congressman Sta llings and Charles Waller The latter is a candidate for Attorney General but both speak in the interest of ex-Clov Joseph Johnston About fifty citizens turned out to hear them and about three-fourth e of the crowd were for Je tits for Governor The chances are most favorable for Je Ike carrying the county by 'a good majority Enlargement of Decatur Shops NEW DECATUR Ala Aug 5---(Special)—The capacity of the Louisville & Nashvile Railroad shops here are to be enlarged to almost double and the construction of the new buildings will commence within the next few days L Wait Allen of this city has returned from Louisville where he t4ecured the position of fa uperintending the construction of the new buildings These shops now employ nearly 1641 men The enlargement will add fully 4000 people to the city's population For several days new machinery has been arriving for the extension The company will manufacture car axles here and everything in connection with a car except the wheels It is also learned that besides the enlargement of the New Decatur shops that the Louisville & NaFtIV1110 will build a hittulsOme new depot in Mobile and will also erect several thousand feet of wharfage in that city Coming Social Events FLORENCE Ala Aug 5---(Speelnl) Invitations have be6n sent out by Mrs W W Bayless to the marriage of her daughter Mrs Mary Bayless Morgan and Lee Asheraft The marriage will be solemnized at the Prishyterian Church In this city Thursdak Aug: 14 at 8 o'rlock Mrs Morgan Is A handsome young woman and Mr Asheraft has made his mark as a progressive business man by organizing the Tennessee Valley Fertilizing Company of Which he is now general manager Had a Thrilling Experience HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug 5—tSpecial)—Misses Mattle Morton find Sarah Bradley Lane daughters of Editor Charles P lane bud t thrilling ex p'erience with a runaway team- yesterday The tongue of their phaeton dropped front the breastpole 811(1 the horses ran away The toncue etruck a rock and the young ladiea were thrown out Each held to a line thinking the other was entangled and they were dragged fully a block Their clothes were torn to shreds and their bodies badly bruised but the young ladies were not aeriously hurt ' Madison Tax Cases IIINTSVILLE Ala Aug 5--(Speci1l)--Tax Commissioner dt'initham of Madison County has decided to allow th forty-six ASSFSFirlient cases against merchants and business Men of this city to remain in the Circuit Court anI go to trial at the next term The taxpayer stirred up such a row that COL Harvey Jones hilti le commissioner came here and met a committee of hum- it7 7111h171rna I i w tl(')entd'avs18q4e1 ll r' but Mr ? ham halt declined to do so íPitiable Sight on the River DECATI'lli Ala Aug :)---isheciol Nelson Campbell who conducts n and bath house found it fimily threN miles hclow here OR a house boat on the Tennessee River to-day xyho were in a most pitiful V00110011 Th man WAR dead and Nir nimithen says he idled or 24ta1vittion while his wife anti children wore in a manner starved The' re1i4 lt191 Wer0 tht river wink and 'Air Campbell brought the alto and children to town end is taking car them The man's name watt John Wilson aryl be came from near Knoxville Tenn Juniors Are Coming 'HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug 5(spe elai)--21The members of the Junior order of United American Mechanics have received notice that 100 members of the order in Chattanooga will come here DO YOU GET UP A LAME BACK 7 Kidney trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everybody who reads the newspapers is 3Vre to know of the wonderful 0I 0 L and made by Dr ' lir ' i hKilmer's Swamp-Root 4 e It is the great medi- - 7i1 a ned n rldremedy century o ef tm:e ni ne- liver di'- i h - - ! I covered after years of 14 MI t scientific research by Dr Kilmer the ems- - - - - nent kidney and blad- diNE:11ENIesP der specialist and is wonderfully successful in promptly 'curing lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou- the ltriumph Vit ea adtde krn e dlii bles and Bright's Dtsease which is the worst form of kidnet trouble Dr Kilmer 3 Swamp-Root Is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need It has been tested In so many ways in hospital work in private practice among the helpless too poor to purchase relief and bli proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement his been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it may have a sample bottle sent free by mail also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and r-r offer in this paper and send your address to - - Dr Kilmer& !l' ' harnton N Y The - regular fifty cent and name of Swamp-Rook dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists bon't make any mistake but remember the name Swamp-Boot Dr ilmees Swamp-Root and the address Binghamton N Y on every bottle and participate in the celebration of Labor Day The local Juniors will on that day lay the corner-stone of the new public school building and will then have a big barbecue in honor of the visitors Train Wrecked Men Injured BTRMINGIIAM Ala Aug 6---(Special)--A work train on the Birmingham Mineral Railroad was wreckeo fourteen miles south of Birmingham to-day and two carloads of slag from the furnace used in ballasting the road way turned over on a large number of negro section hands who were on the cars Conductor James Itunnicut was on the car sago and was dangerously injured Sig negroes were hurt two of them badly Another Chance for Dorsey BIRMINGHAM Ala Aug 5--(Spedal)—Will Dorsey colored convicted and sentenced to death here for highway robbery will not hang Friday The Supreme Court has recalled the papers and a new hearing has been granted This la the third negro who has had his life prolonged a few days before the day set for hanging In the last month in Birmingham Promoters Want Help HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug 5--(Special)—The CharniTer of Commerce has received a communication from the promoters of the railroad from Kentucky to Huntsville asking the business men af the city to subscribe some money for a preliminary urvey of the route Balch Going to the Asylum HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug 5—(Special)--John Balch a planter Is In enstocly here and will be sent to the B-ye Insane Asylum Balch is demetted and several wecks ago went into the woods and attempted sitivide with a knife He was found with his throat cut on the following day Life Prisoner Escapes BIRMINGHAM Ala Aug 15—(Special)—Guy Smith colored who killed Deputy SheritT Henry Barrentine at Oakman Walker County two years ago and was given the death sentence which was afterwards commuted to life in the penitentiary has escaped from the penitentiary at Wetumpka --- From Pulpit to Ear HUNTSVILLE Ala? Aug 6---(Special)—Rev Rutherford Brett former pastor of the First Baptist Church hns decided to abandon the ministry and will take up the practice of law Ile and Robert E Weathers of Huntsville will go to Oklahoma this week to engage in partnership practice- Seale Gets a Promotion MOBILE Ala Aug 5-4 N Seale Superintendent of Transportation for the Mobile & Ohio has been appointed to the same position with the Southern with headquarters in Washington Mr Seale entered the railroad business as messenger boy on the Mobile & Ohio in 181 - Painter Phillips a Suicide MTIMINGIIAM Ala Aug 5--(Special)--W A Phillips a painter by occupation died at Pratt City near here to-day from an overdose of morphine supposed to have been taken with suicidal intent He has been despondent for sveral days Ile leaves a wife and five children Couple of Weddings ANNISTON Ala Aug 5—(SporIR1) John F Bray and Miss Lucy Richardson were married by Rev John E Barnard last night The contracting parties are well known J T McCain and Miss n E Cordell were married last night The ceremony was performed by Rev C G Crowder New Decatur Tavern Leased NEW DECAT'Ert Ala Aug 5— (SuPcial)—The Tavern one of the finest hotels in North Alabama has been leased by Tb'tiIa P Littlejohn of this city who will take charg'sAug 15 Will Travel Awhile NEW DECATUR Ala Aug 5— (Special)—D S Gregg for many years Mrinager of the Western Union Telegraph Company here htis resigned and Vkill travel Over the West a while for his health Rev Francis Injured ANNISTON Ala Aug 5---fSpeclald Rev J of the floodwater Circuit hnd his right arm broken and received some minor injuries yesterday In a runawny bile en ruute to Anniston from Cane Creek postolliee --- Duskin Jumps His Bond HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug 5--(Specia1)—Dave Duskin while on trial in tbo circuit Court tut erimimil assault upon Della Guthrie white lumped his bond to-daNt and ham disappeared The trial was N tOppd rind forfeiture was taken against the bondsmen Ione Highwayman's Work sALwiN Idaho Ana 5—The lied Rork Ftmgo waft held up by a 1(1110 highwayman tnie evening WhIle en route to thist place amlthe tiensure box lifted It is nut k non n whet the robber secud There wan but one passenger a woman and sbe writs not molootel The Sheriff and posse are in pursuit ' EXCLISION Of Sisters from Their Schools Con tinues in French Provinces With Little Trouble PARIS Aug 5--The expulsion of the sisters front their schools was continued In the provinces to-day and In most cases were conducted without trouble but a few Instances of disorder have been revorded mostly front Bidtanny and Savoie At llegny Loire near Macon the gendarmes were compelled to break down a school door with axes At Savoire near Chambery Savoie the police found the school defended by a rampart of stones Masons were summoned to demolish the wall The a4semble4 crowd threatened to kill them if they did so and the nillAtOnS declined to work There was some disorder at St Alban also near Chambery At this town the sisters left the school on the arrival of the gendarmes and preceded by two Mtge draped with crepe and followed by a group of echool children shouting Long live the Sisters' they marched Into Chatnbery' Several comnaniee of soldlers who were stationed at treat have gone to protect the police tommiesioners who are expelling the sisters from the va rimy loca'itiest in Finisters where the peasants are still determined to resist the expultions Abbe Gayraud Catholic republican member of the Chamber of Deputics from Finisters wearing the trikolor deputy's rash addressed a meetirot at Ploudaniel to-day lie urged the 'sinters to compel the gendarmes to expel them one by one from the schools but not to use force DARINO HOLDUP Two Masked Men Stop a Burlington Train sear Savannah Robbing Express Car DUBUQUE Ia Aug 5—Two masked mon held up the Chicago Burlington & Quincy limited northbound two miles north of Savannah Ill at 11:30 Tuesday night They cut off the Adam's Express car forced the engineer to run up the track and then blew up the express car The robbers torpedoed the track and when the torpedoes exploded the engineer quickly brought the train to a stop One man boarded the engine ordered the engineer to run ahead while the other man cut the exprese car off The train crew hurried on to Savannah and gave the alarm and a posse of officers and eitizen armed with Shot guns and revolvers hastened to the scene The limited is said to carry a heavy and valuable 'express package nightly It is reported that the robbers secured about twenty thousand doltsrs HEAVY LIABILITIES Bankruptcy Petition Includes 25- 000—ludgment in Liabilities Max Isaacs) who gives his employment as that of a train butcher flied a petition in bankruptcy and includes In his liablities a judgment against him for 1250o0 The Only other liabilities given agregate only OM Hie assets consists of 12 deposited with the company of which he works and 1170 due from the company The judgment for 12rb000 against him is in favor of Mrs Rim Simon who now works for L Rosenheim on Union street ' She sued Isaacs for alienattug the affections of her husband Abe Simon Isaac failed to appear to defend the suit she instituted and Mrs Simon was given a verdict in the Second Circuit Court of this county by default about two months ago HAVING PLEASANT TIME Pythians Are Enjoying Their Western Trip Messages from the tourists comprising the Knighte of Pythiam delegation now making a trip through the West show that every rn'ember of the party is having a fine time and enjoying every feature of the long run The American was in receipt of a tellgram Tuesday night from several member of the partv stating that the entire party was delighted with the journey and the sights along the way The run IN being made on a special train on the Misscurl Pacific line averaging fifty miles an hour The route selected by the committee passes through some of the most picturesque scenery to be found In America NO QUORUM - PRESENT Retail Merchants' Association Defers Regular Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Retail Merchants Asttociation last night WWI not heM no quorum being present The hot weather and the speaking on the Public square are pre slimed to have been the causes President Oarrabrant was indisposed and could not come There we a delegation Of the labor organizations in wait ing to ask co-operation in the Labor Day parade but their purpose was necessarily deferred It is probable that a Ppecla meKing Win shortly be held to transact necOssary businesg The regular meeting night of tho directors of the association is Thursday night Aug 7 MILITARY ON GUARD - - Death Sentence Passed on John Homer at )yr ontro ss Va MONTItOSS Va ' Aug the Westmoreland County Court under guard of the Fredericksburg militia the Jury to-tiny returned n N't-rdiCt of guilty in the case of John Homer alia Lomax colored indicted for committing a criminal assault on Miss SUMP Contenhaden aged 15 years nenr her home at Potomac Mills Judge Peale pronounced ntence of &nth and fixed Sept 9 Is the day of execution The prisoner was turned OVPr to Capt Howe of tho militia and will be tnken back to Alexandria Va for safe keeping NASHVILLE MAN HONORED E H Ityman Made Permanent Chairman Window Trimmers' Convention ITYMHIL of this city has been elected permanent Chairman of the National Association of Window Trtin- - niers now in session at Milwauke Wls Window trimmers from all the Priori Pal rifles of the United States ere attending- this convention and the election of Mr Hyman to the Chairmanship Is considered a great compliment by his friends in NashviiIe MONTEAGLE ASSEMBLY --- Members of Board of Trust Hold :Meeting Maj J W Thomas unti Maj W L Donley have gone to INIontengle to attelfd it meeting of tho fionri of Truot of the aseemblY the regular meoting occurred Tuesday MajThomoo ko choir-wan or the boor1 IIEVI DIRECTOR FOR Gir::AST W R PEARSON SELECTED BY VANDERBILT TRUSTEES Succeeda W D Weatherford—II at Present in Charge of Y M C A Gymnasium at Covington Ky— Well Fitted for the Place A new physical director has hem treCured for the coming year for the Vanderbilt University gymnasium located on the campus W R Pearson at present in charge of the Y M C A gymnasium at Lovington Ky has been selected by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees to take the directorship lately vacated by W D Weatherford who is the new Y M C A students Secretary tor the south Mr Pearson is a native of North Carolina and comes to Nashville tom mended as one of the beat equipped men in his line of work in the 00nntry He is highly qualified by Ihtittlte and acquirement for the dopartment of work he has chosen Ile la progressive in both theory and practive and yet sufficiently conservative not to take a step until he knows his ground In his work elsewhere he has shown a special fitness for athletics and in the development and bringing out of young athletes He is also a gentreman of Ilne Christian character and his pastor Bev J W Mitchell of the Eleventh-street M E Church South of Lovington commends hint In the highest terms Mr Pearson will begin his work at Vanderbilt at the opening of the new session Sept 17 TELEGRAPH BRIEFS The 'annual convention of the Photographers' Aseociation of America la meet ing lluffalo The Standard 011 Company has declared a dividend of $ti paYable Sept 13 The last divielon was SAO a share dedexed May S W T McPherson of Newton County Ark his been nomineted for Congress ioy the Republicans of the Third Arkaneast District Hunter sharp of North Carolina 'hes been commissioned by the Preeident us in terpreter of the United States Consulate at Kobe Japan The Moat Rev Robert MacHeray is seri otimly III in London Archbishop IViac-Herny is Archbishop of all Canada Chancellor of the University of Manitoba and Prelate of the Order of St Michael and St George It is announced that the strike of boilermitkere at an Bernardino and The Needles Cal which has been on eines Mey 28 has been settled Both sides made conceeelona The men 74'111 receive 3a cents an hour The Belgian steamer Wordswarth Capt Graham which sailed from New York July 19 for South American ports is etrantliel about sixty miles north of Bahia Assistance has been sent to her Gov Aycock of North Cnrolina bait pardoned A L Daley of Chicago who wee convicted of switelling by means of a goid brick at Oreenaboro and sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary The eontract for the eonetruction of the Liberal Arts building has been a wrirded by the Louisiana Purchase L'xpesition Compuny ler $47r)No The blinding muct he completed by April 1 11'09 in time tor the tieslicatory ceremonies of the Expoeition At Lexingten Mo Goo W Johntion aged 43 one of the wealthiest men in that eection was shot and killed by chicken thieves' whom be onirprised in his hen-- bowie Four suspects are under arrest 1 If the murderer can be identified lynching ' may follow The first reporte of the accident at London to former Secretary and Mrs Don Cameron of Pennsylvania appear to have been greatly exaggerated Mrs Camerson has informed the Associated Frees that she and her husband were only slightly injured Archbishop Riordan of San Frenriseo has arrived in New York City accompanied by tile legal adviser en route to The Hague The Archbishop will Armeer before the international court at The Hague In the claim which he has brotight against the Republic of Mexico for the payment of the intereet on California's Pius fund Fire has destroyed the boiler honee engine house two power houses tipple half a mile of tramway and half the bos cars at Peeriess mine in Aguilar Col owned by the Northern Con! et Coke Company The loss ix eetimated at Wianon The Broadhead mine where four miners lost their lives by an explosion Saturday litet Is still burning ON BOARD THE SYLPH President and Mrs Roosevelt Go to I Gardiner's Bay GREEN POINT N Y Aug 6—Thil evening the President and Mrs Roosevelt went aboard the naval yacht Sylph which sailed immediately for Gardiner's Bay where the target practice of the INlayflower is to take place to-morrow The Sylph Is not expected to arrive in Gardiner's Bay until a late hour to-night She will anchor near the Mayflower At an early hour tc-morrow morning the President and Mrs Roosevelt will go aboard the Mayflower and soon afterward the practice with the elflp's rapid-fire guns will begin At the conclusion of the competitive test the President and Mrs Roosevelt Sorti'e time to-morrow afternoon will go aboard the Sylph and start on their' return trip to Oyster Bay They expect to reach Sagamore 11111 in time for breakfast Thursday morning OBITUARY lienry 11 Norman aged CO years died Monday morning at his home 1011 South College street The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon Mrs Emma A Merlin wife of W P Marlin of the Loulaville & Nashville Terminal Company died Tuesday nmrning at her home 463 Cheetnut street aged 40 years Mrs Marlin was a most estimable Christian WOM811 with a wide circle of friends She leaves two children The funeral will be at the residence this morning at 9:30 A Mrs Elisabeth W Porter aged 1St yeara died in Mix city Tuesday Mrs Porter Wfig the widow of NV F Porter and her home wax at WilfTh-arKort to which place the remains will be taken this morning for interment The deceased wast It sister Of lamest Webster Mrs Shade Murray Mrs Charles Sanders of Huntsville and Mrs T L For ter of Columbia Deaths Elsewhere rws MnINES Ia Aug 5—Dr R Itardshear President of IOWA State College at Atnem died early to-day an the result of nervous prostration whilti attending tho meeting Of the National tdueational Ammociallon at Minneapolia a month ago Dr Ilarlehear WA8 PresMont of the Association DIED PORTECI—Tottsliti y morning Aug 1502 at 11:10 o'clock Ntre Elizatath Webetet Wow fit the tete V l T Portr of Croict TPnIL goi 6:1 yenta itemaine vkill leave the residence pt her iT Mrs Shwie Morrny N 323 F1111- et-11111d F4f ret this (WedneSdaY) morning lit ti Ffifieral sfirkleem rroms tithlaem Maury Cfiara y Tenn this titterino0 o'ciork IonloritA by Roy J B Et'vvin nwt i(v SIr Doos jnterntont tuntiiy uqtutre ernits DriLigtte - o e:f 1- '1-: RZWEISSONTLIZIWE:toma410114160141 70 (3 41 404 ) 1 pb :7- ii mow c 1 f 11A -- 4 0 loo I 11‘ A ' 1 - 0 le 1 4) I
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