Anagram Software Used In National Treasure Book

All these links were operational and as described at the time they were added. The very generous Robert Laughlin does a biennial check of all the links, so they are. All crossword clues in our system starting with the letter O. Modern Business Name Generator. The business name generator isnt a classic random generator. Instead, you may use the drop down boxes to drill into a sector of. Earthmap1000x500compac.jpg' alt='Anagram Software Used In National Treasure Book' />The Punny Name trope as used in popular culture. Sometimes, a name isnt exactly meaningful or hiding something, but theres still something about it that is. The decision not to run the cartoons is motivated by nothing more than fear either fear of offending or fear of retaliation. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego is an educational video game released by Broderbund in 1985. It is the first product in the Carmen Sandiego franchise. Anagram Software Used In National Treasure Book' />Looking in Montana and WyomingPart One. First of all, thanks to Dal for this fascinating blog, and to all the other contributors whose thoughts and ideas make very interesting reading. And of course, thanks also to Forrest Fenn for the tantalizing mystery. I started pondering the whereabouts of the treasure back around New Years, and came up with a shortlist that included NM, CO and MT. After studying the available info, I became convinced that the hiding place had to be near Yellowstone, and more specifically Hebgen Lake. Although I did not manage to find places that corresponded to every line of the poem, I found enough to convince me to take a trip. My wife and I have just returned from that area empty handed, but not disheartened. Begin it where warm waters halt The relatively warm waters of the Madison River come to a halt in Hebgen Lake, due to the presence of the dam. We started our search at the lake. I was fairly sure that the treasure would not be within the Yellowstone National Park itself, due to the potential for legal issues, and so Hebgen, which lies just outside the Park boundaries, and features in Forrests writings, was the perfect starting point for me. And take it in the canyon down,I took the canyon to be that through which the Madison River flows. At Hebgen, it doesnt display the traditional characteristics of a canyon, as its a wide and fairly open area, but I couldnt get the same degree of congruence with other lines in the poem if I was to move downstream to the area around Earthquake Lake which is where the Madison was halted by a huge landslide following a quake early in the 2. Not far, but too far to walk,Put in below the home of Brown. This seemed to be a reference to boating. The words Put in are used far more commonly in boating than in land travel, and that would also work for the too far to walk phrase. The problem was to find the home of Brown. I wasnt convinced by the notions of brown trout and brown bear, but thought there had to be a more specific reference. Well before the trip I began to research the businesses and homes surrounding Hebgen Lake. It was then that I discovered Firehole Ranch. This fishing lodge on the south side of the lake has, for the past two decades, been the home of chefs Bruno and Kris Georgeton. I dont know whether Bruno and Kris actually reside at Firehole, but I didnt find it too much of a stretch to link their semi permanent occupational status to that line of the poem. In addition, there were boat landings below the ranch, as well as a suitable parking spot should one choose not to come by water. From there its no place for the meek,The end is ever drawing nigh Therell be no paddle up your creek,Just heavy loads and water high. It was all very well having the Hebgen landmarks fitting the early stanzas, but unless there was also a correlation with the later verses, it would be a pointless exercise. However, with a little study of the map and nearby topography, everything seemed to fall into place. Emptying into the lake near Firehole Ranch are two creeks, Watkins and Coffin. Wait a minute. Coffin Heavy loads End ever drawing nigh And when I searched further I spotted two lakes, Coffin and Upper Coffin nestling in the mountains about five or six miles to the southwest of the ranch. Was that too far It would certainly work with the line, Your effort will be worth the cold, as the lakes were at an altitude of around 8,5. And not only that, but the creeks fed by these lakes looked totally unnavigable, but there was, fortuitously, a very navigable trail that would take us up to Coffin Lake. However, my sights were set on Upper Coffin Lake, the place where the water really was high. And so, with only a few days available due to work commitments, we headed out from Eugene, Oregon, planning on having just a single day to explore the trail. My wife was very nervous, as there were warnings of grizzlies in the very area we planned to hike. We armed ourselves with bear spray, stowed food, water and a few survival aids in our packs, and headed up the trail. Im glad that we didnt hear the news until the following morning in two separate incidents hikers were attacked by grizzly bears, despite taking all the recommended precautions. It seems that mother grizzlies with cubs in tow are not going to be easily deterred. We rang a bell, sang and generally made our presence known up that trail. Im almost sixty, and in what I would class as fair, but not great, shape. As we hiked up the astoundingly beautiful trail with the rocks and peaks rising above us, I pondered whether an eighty year old could manage it carrying a forty pound chest. Although the trail was easy going to begin with, after about three miles it became fairly strenuous with switchbacks that rose through the forest, in an area that abounded with huckleberry bushes a favorite with the bears, apparentlyWe tried to stay vigilant for the blaze as we climbed alongside the creek. Noticing many trees downed along the trail, it occurred to me that the blaze had to be something that would be more permanent, but we saw nothing obvious. Iec 61000-4-4. Eventually, after hiking for something like 2. Coffin Lake. Its a majestic setting, as its surrounded on three sides by cliffs of stone and pine. Without a boat or the willingness to swim in icy waters I realized that it would be impossible to explore the entire circumference of the lake, and, in any event, there was nothing that presented itself as a viable place to search. We sat and rested for a short while, had something to eat, and then considered our next move. I was all for pushing on to Upper Coffin Lake, but my wife would have happily stayed put at our present location until it was time to return. Gamely, she agreed to come with me to the place I was convinced was the hiding place. In truth, I was happy to leave a place where previous campers had used the lakeside as their personal latrine, befouling the area for the next visitors. Notices at the trail head request that campers carry a shovel for good reason. This was where I bit off a bit more than we both could chew. I had assumed that a trail would lead straight from Coffin to Upper Coffin, as on the map it was a short distance of around 6. On the ground it was a very different story. Rocks, almost impenetrable forest, and alpine meadows that rose at ludicrous angles lay in the way. We stumbled and climbed, until my incredibly supportive wife was about ready to quit. Meanwhile, I thought my heart was going to do the same thing. Twice, I smelled what I thought was bear, but decided on the second occasion to keep my thoughts to myself. I had a compass, and knew the direction to the lake, but couldnt find a way through. Eventually, I caught a glimpse of it hundreds of feet below us, down a treacherously steep incline. I was so glad wed had the sense to bring collapsible sticks, as I dont think we would have made it down there without broken bones. It took us around an hour to travel those six hundred crow fly feet Upper Coffin Lake is a smaller version of its sibling, and again is not readily circumnavigable by land. We didnt stay long, briefly checking in the shallows for likely chests, fearing that time would not be on our side. And it was clear that the place is just too remote for Forrest to have hidden his treasure there unless he was feeling ultra sadistic. We tried to get back to Coffin Lake via a more direct route, but came unstuck due to more impassable terrain.

Stadther's first book, 'A Treasure's Trove,' was an international phenomenon. The 2004 title, which the former software mogul wrote, illustrated. Of the Alchemist Dar' - the faithful instantly recognized the anagram for. Instead, he was stumped - and inspired to launch his own national treasure hunt.

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Anagrams[editedit source]

An anagram is a string of letters which may be rearranged into another word or phrase. For example: orchestra is an anagram of carthorse. Anagrams can appear in level 2, level 3, and level 5 clues. Below is a complete list of anagram solutions. If one is missing, please add it to the list.The solution of an anagram is always the name of an NPC. Once the solution is found, the player can get their next clue by talking to that NPC.When the player talks to the solution NPC in a level 3 trail, they will receive a challenge scroll or a puzzle box. Solve the puzzle box and talk to the NPC again, or tell the NPC the answer to the challenge scroll, to receive the next clue.

List of solutions[editedit source]

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Following is a list of all known anagrams and their solutions. It is also listed whether or not you receive a puzzle box or challenge scroll, and the answers to the challenge scrolls.

Ati radeon hd 4800 drivers. If the anagram is not listed, the Category:Non-player characters may help.

A[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
A Pure GlowPaul GowerAt the Gower farm before the Gower Quest. After the quest he is located at the Life altar.
Gower farm
A Zen SheZeneshaThe Platebody shop on the southern edge of Ardougne centre square.
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Puzzle box
Ace Match ElmCam the CamelNorth of the glider in Al Kharid, outside of the town. Camuletnot required.
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Puzzle box
Ah; wet armAmaethwrFarmer in Lletya
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Aha JarJaraahThe hospital of the Duel Arena.
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An Paint TonicCaptain NintoIn the bar under White Wolf Mountain, requiring the quest Fishing Contest. Shortcut tunnel entrance available north of Taverley lodestone, next to the flax field, or north of the Catherby lodestone.
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Puzzle box
Arc O LineCarolineNorth Witchaven next to the rowboat. After the Sea Slug quest, she is found wandering the coast. After finishing the Kennith's Concerns quest, Caroline may be found upstairs in her house directly west of the church.
Before Sea Slug quest, Before Kennith's Concerns quest, After Kennith's Concerns quest
(0 after Salt in the Wound)
Are ColOracleThe peak of Ice Mountain, west of Edgeville.
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Arr! So I am a crust, and?Ramara du CroissantNear the small furnace in Piscatoris Fishing Colony, requiring the Swan Song quest. North from the fairy ring code akq. Or teleport to Memorial to Guthix site with Memory strand. Alternatively, teleport to Eagles' Peak lodestone and travel with the boat to Piscatoris.
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Puzzle box
An exile that isn't wholly free WE IRK OVER NAMESAKERamokee SkinweaverOn the bottom of Polypore Dungeon, south side.
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B[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Bail TrimsBrimstailIn the cave west of the southern bank in Gnome Stronghold.
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By LookBolkoyIn the Tree Gnome Village general store.
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Boast BSabbotTeleport to the Burthorpe lodestone, then go in the dungeon under Death Plateau (directly north of the Warriors' Guild). After completion of Death Plateau Quest, Sabbot is found in the Chamber to the West.
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C[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
C On Game HocGnome CoachWalking around outside the Gnome Ball course, west of the Grand Tree.
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D[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Dt Run BBrundtLonghall in the centre of Rellekka.
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E[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Eek Zero OpZookeeperArdougne Zoo
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40, +1 if Eagles' Peak is completed,
+1 if Hunt for Red Raktuber is completed
El OwLoweVarrock archery store
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Ergo I Dig ClayCelia DiggoryIn The Empty Throne Room, east of the Varrock Dig Site.
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Towers puzzle
Err Cure ItRecruiterCentre square of West Ardougne.
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G[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Goblin KernKing BolrenTree Gnome Village, next to the spirit tree.
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Got A BoyGabootyCentre of Tai Bwo Wannai.
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Gulag RunUglug NarTo the west of Jiggig and Yanille, just south of the Castle Wars lobby.
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Puzzle box

H[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Halt UsLuthasThe owner of the banana plantation on Musa Point, Karamja.
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HatedDeathDeath's office
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He Do Pose. It Is Cultrrl, Mk?Riki the sculptor's modelEast side of Keldagrim, inside of the 'gravestone exchange' shop.
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Puzzle box
Hear A Lady RantLady TrahaearnBy the Seren stones in Trahaearn District, Prifddinas
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I[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Icy FeFycieRantz's cave, south-east of Gu'Tanoth and in the far eastern portion of Feldip Hills near the coast. Use fairy ring code AKS, or Gnome glider to Lemantolly Undri (requires partial completion of One Small Favour up to when you repair the landing strip). Less close methods are a Gu'Tanoth Teleport scroll, Oo'glog lodestone, or Yanille lodestone.
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I Eat Its Chart Hints Do UShiratti the CustodianNorth of the fountain in Nardah (run south from the fairy ring with code DLQ, or teleport to Nardah with Desert amulet 2 or higher).
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Puzzle box
I Faffy RunFairy NuffBefore A Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen she can be found just north of the bank in Zanaris. Between A Fairy Tale II and A Fairy Tale III, however, players must get the certificate from the potion shelf (located in the room north of the fairy bank) and use the fairy rings in this order AIR, DLR, DJQ, AJS. After A Fairy Tale III she can be found just north of the bank again.
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Puzzle box
Im KromRommikRommik's Crafty Supplies in Rimmington.
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I SAW THE LIEAli the WiseThe northernmost house in Nardah
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Iz A Ammo Load For Mrs YakkersMoldark, Emissary of ZamorakNorth-east of the bank in Edgeville.
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7 (3 after Ritual of the Mahjarrat and before Rebuilding Edgeville)

L[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Land DoomdOdd Old ManThe Limestone mine north-east of Varrock. After completing the Fur 'n' Seek Wish list the Skeletal horror teleport can be used once a week. The invitation box can be also used to get a quick teleport. A teleport to the Digsite then running north can also be done with the Archaelogy journal.
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Puzzle box
Lark In DogKing RoaldGround floor of Varrock Palace.
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M[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Me Am The CalcCam the CamelJust outside the gates of the Duel Arena, Camuletnot required.
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Puzzle box
Me ifFemiJust outside the gates of Tree Gnome Stronghold.
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N[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Nod medEdmondBehind the most north-western house in East Ardougne.
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O[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
O Birdz A Zany En PcCap'n Izzy No-BeardThe Agility Arena entrance in Brimhaven.
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O eastern wishesSensei SeaworthTuai Leit
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Towers puzzle
Ok CoCookGround floor of Lumbridge Castle.
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Or A VileValerioNext to the dancers southwest of Citharede Abbey.
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Or Zinc Fumes WardWizard FrumsconeBasement of the Wizard's Guild in Yanille (requires 66 Magic to enter, stat boosting can be used).
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Puzzle box

P[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Pin heir all in placePhilipe CarnilleanIn the Carnillean household. If Carnillean Rising is completed, depends on the amount of quest points (See: Adventures of his own)
Before Carnillean Rising
Peaty PertParty PeteFalador Party Room
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Profs Lose Wrong PieProfessor OnglewipGround floor of the Wizards' Tower, south of Draynor.
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Puzzle box

Q[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Quit Thy Brine Rat RollBrother TranquillityMos Le'Harmless or Harmony Island (During and after The Great Brain Robbery)
Mos Le'Harmless, Harmony Island

R[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
R Ak MiKarimAl Kharid Kebab shop just south of the furnace.
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Red Art TansTrader StanPort Sarim docks, next to the charter ship.
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Puzzle box
Reign us if immortalMalignius MortiferNorth of the White Knight Camp at Port Sarim.
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S[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Sequin DirgeQueen SigridThrone room of Etceteria Castle, or in the throne room of Miscellania Castle after completing Blood Runs Deep.
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Puzzle box
SnahHansLumbridge Castle courtyard.
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Soy DrainYsondriaThe Nexus in Lumbridge Swamp.
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Stab ObSabbotThe cave below the Death Plateau, next to the Troll Invasion gatehouse.
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T[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
Taboo Rises ShylySoothsayer SybilOutside the entrance to Telos, the Warden's arena.
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Them Cal CameCam the CamelJust outside the gates of the Duel Arena, Camuletnot required.
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Puzzle box

W[editedit source]

AnagramSolutionLocationChallenge answer
We Irk Over NamesakeRamokee SkinweaverPolypore Dungeon
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Winsome LadWise Old ManDraynor Village
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Winston LaneNails NewtonNext to the Taverley Lodestone.
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Treasure Trails
Clue scrolls
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Elite
  • Master(Eastern Lands)
Sealed clue scrolls
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Elite
  • Master
Scroll boxes
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Elite
  • Master
  • Easy(Historical)
  • Medium(Historical)
  • Hard(Historical)
  • Elite(Historical)
  • Master
  • Puzzle box
  • Puzzle scroll box (elite)
  • Puzzle scroll box (master)
  • Puzzle casket (elite)
  • Puzzle casket (master)
  • Treasure Trail collection log
  • Challenge scroll
  • Towers puzzle scroll
  • Lockbox
  • Chart
  • Sextant
  • Watch
  • Coordinates(Locate)
  • Puzzle boxes(Guide)
  • Zaida
  • Uri

1956 shasta camper.

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